Can COVID-19 Increase the Rate of Suicide? I know COVID-19 pandemic has been a peculiar experience for all of us. First, we heard about the rising rates of COVID cases in other countries. Then, a particular individual who leads this country said that we had nothing to worry about, “claiming the virus was like a flu and would disappear miraculously” (Kaczynski, 2020). Soon after these statements the corona virus arrived in Chicago, IL, quickly spread throughout the country, and became the epidemic that we now know as COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us know people who have contracted the virus, and some of us may even know individuals who have died from the virus. If you contract this infectious virus it could be a horrific experience, but did you know the Corona Virus isn’t only going to affect people’s physical health? According to Dr. Nandini Chakraborty, “a study looking at the emotional indicators in a group of Weibo users before and after the declaration of COVID‐19 on January, 20...