Covid has really done a number on everyone, it has changed the way we have lived our lives drastically. I never thought that the day would come where we would be wearing masks just to do every day mundane activities, like grocery shopping or even going to the gym. Personally, I have felt the negative aspect of not being able to interact with humans,whether it is with family, coworkers, or even classmates. The feeling of isolation has been present at times, and I know that it has been difficult at times for me to deal with.
During this pandemic I have had the pleasure of spending more time with my father as we currently reside in the same residence. My father was diagnosed with paranoid/schizophrenia many years ago and is also recovering from a substance use disorder. He is very aware of his illness and the importance of being proactive when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Routine is something that is very helpful for him, and when that routine is broken, I can see the difference in his disposition. My father attends AA meetings a minimum of 3 times a week, and he also works at the same facility Monday through Friday. Once that facility closed, he lost a huge support system, and it was noticeably affecting his mental health. I was able to find AA meetings for him online, but his routine was changed and there was a lot of down time that he was not used to. It seemed as though the online meetings were sufficient, but it was not the same as in person. I could see a decline in his mental health that I was not prepared for. I attempted to help him fill the time with different activities, which was difficult at times, but we were able to persevere.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness one in five adults have been diagnosed with a mental illness in the United States. There are many ways that people treat and cope with mental illness; medication, therapy, and group support are very beneficial and common. Due to Covid, many support groups have not been able to meet and medical services have had to change the way they operate. This can be a very stressful situation for those that live with mental illness or substance use disorders because the care that they normally receive is no longer available. Many services have switched to online, but there are many who are unable to take part in online services. My father would have been unable to go to AA meetings had I not been there to help him navigate the internet. Also, some do not have access to the internet, so this has added another hurdle to receiving care that is needed. Normally, if someone does not have access to the internet, they are directed to go to a library or some other public place that has free WIFI, but everything is closed. Not only is everything closed, but if it were open many may feel uncomfortable participating in therapy sessions in a public place.
While services have changed in order to help clients, there is still the stress that can trigger clients. The Center for Addiction and Mental Health states that stress can exacerbate mental illness and cause individuals to use unhealthy means to cope with stress. Covid has caused so much stress, from the isolation to fear of contracting Covid, there is a steady source of stress. Fear can be a powerful emotion, and many have experienced fear on a daily basis due to the current pandemic. Without their usual sources of support, this can be a dangerous situation. It is very important for those that are experiencing a change in their routine or care to reach out if they are feeling as though they are unable to cope with the stress in their life. Finding different ways to deal with stress such as mindfulness or yoga, has the potential to alleviate the stress that one may be feeling.
This pandemic has really caused us to look at our lives, and the effects of this will be felt for years to come. There are many that do not have the support that they once had before the pandemic began, and although there have been different measures put into place, many are still struggling with handling the changes that have taken place. As social workers we must continue to provide care that is efficient and helpful to our clients. Even during trying times we have to be aware of the issues that our clients may face and how we can help them navigate those issues. As I said previously, the effects of Coronavirus will be felt for years to come and this is a reminder that flexibility and resourcefulness is an integral part of providing care for or clients.
~Takia Dixon
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